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Displaying: 1 - 10 of 21 Results
Continuous directed evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to alter amino acid specificity and enhance activity
DESCRIPTION Functions of various biotherapeutics can often be enhanced by modifying individual amino acid residues. However, the current approaches rely on existing natural amino acid chemistry. Approaches that provide new chemical “handles” will…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Liu
Evolution of Sequence-Defined Highly Functionalized Nucleic Acid Polymers
DESCRIPTION Template-directed synthesis of modified DNA sequences can provide a rich source of material for generating new therapies featuring modified nucleic acid polymers. The Liu lab has previously developed pioneering methods to generate…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Liu
Modulating the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) to enable delivery of drugs and development of therapeutics
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) helps maintain a constant, optimal environment for neuronal function through a combination of barriers and selective transport systems that regulate the passage of wanted and unwanted molecules. While important for…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Chenghua Gu
3D-brain organoids: Enabling discovery through patient-derived brain organoids
The Arlotta team is developing a 3D brain organoid platform, which makes it possible to study aspects of human brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders in a format amenable to large-scale production and genetic engineering.These organoids…
- Yelena Bisharyan
- Paola Arlotta
- Giorgia Quadrato
FlicR: A bright and fast red fluorescent protein voltage indicator that reports neuronal activity
Fluorescent-protein-based voltage indicators enable imaging of the electrical activity of many genetically targeted neurons with high spatial and temporal resolution. FlicR is a new bright red fluorescent protein-based voltage indicator that has…
- Yelena Bisharyan
- Adam Cohen
Liquid biopsy-based predictive platform for early cancer detection and drug discovery
Recognition and management of individuals susceptible to disease are critical for patient care. However, identification of these patients is very challenging, especially in oncology. Dr. Peter Park and his group at the Department of Biomedical…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Peter Park
Therapeutic strategies for autism spectrum disorder sensory (tactile) hypersensitivity, anxiety and social interaction deficits
This is a novel strategy to treat tactile hypersensitivity, anxiety, and social interaction deficits by targeting the peripheral nervous system without drugging the brain.Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), including Rett Syndrome, as well as Fragile…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Ginty
- Lauren Orefice
Selectively targeting serotonergic neuron subtypes to create precision neuro-psychiatric therapeutics
Targeting central monoamine systems, such as the brain serotonergic neural system, continues to be the strategy of choice for the treatment of psychiatric disorders including depression and schizophrenia. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors…
- Grant Zimmermann
- Susan Dymecki
Targeting spiral ganglion neurons for treatment of hearing loss
Hearing loss makes interactions with the world challenging for over 30 million people in the United States. While cochlear implants and hearing aid devices can ameliorate hearing loss, they often fail to restore the function of spiral ganglion…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Lisa Goodrich
Novel therapies for neural regeneration
Researchers at the Flanagan lab discovered a novel therapeutic approach for stimulation of neuronal regeneration. They demonstrated that type II receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) get activated by several heparan sulfate proteoglycans…
- Grant Zimmermann
- John Flanagan
- Yingjie Shen
- Alan Tenney
- Jerry Silver