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Past Event

Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon: Scott Barclay, DCVC

June 12th, 2019 ~ 12:30pm - 02:30pm

Harvard Medical School, Waterhouse Room, Gordon Hall 1st Floor, 25 Shattuck St., Boston, MA 02115

A monthly conversation about medicine, biology, computers, entrepreneurship, and pizza. Open to all. Hosted by Harvard OTD and the HMS Dept. of Biomedical Informatics.

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Featured Speaker

Scott Barclay
Partner, Data Collective (DCVC)

Scott BarclayScott Barclay is a Partner at DCVC, an early-stage deep tech, deep compute venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley and investing globally.

Scott invests in applied AI and leads the firm’s Computational Care practice, where DCVC invests in technical founders that push compute closer to the patient journey, use data to enable more informed decisions, and build companies that raise the bar of clinical evidence and impact the provision of care with empathy.

As examples, Scott has invested in or sits on the board of:

  • Swift Medical: machine vision to treat wound care at the bedside
  • Carbon Health: radically improving quality urgent care access
  • Karius: hypothesis-free infectious disease testing
  • MIC: deep compute in ICU
  • Subtle Medical: deep learning applied to imaging efficiency
  • Alpha Medical: a full-stack digital clinic for women’s health
  • Enzyme: FDA submission and compliance as a service
  • SafelyYou: machine vision to radically reduce falls in eldercare

Scott is also part of DCVC's Computational Bio practice (Freenome, Recursion, 3Scan, Cofactor) and invests in the tech stack and against global risk (Primer, ElementAI, Cape Analytics, BlueTalon).

By background, Scott has been a founder, a serial angel investor (naviHealth, Syapse, Carelinx, Lumiata, etc), and a large company executive. Scott helped create and scale the first massive digital health platform, Surescripts, and was once the youngest GM ever at CVS Health.

Earlier in his career Scott worked for the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), started a capital markets desk in London for Banc of America Securities, and worked summers on a manufacturing floor. Scott received an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau France and was "militantly liberal arts" at the University of Virginia.

Tags: Biomedical Informatics Entrepreneurs Salon

Press Contact: Kirsten Mabry | (617) 495-4157

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