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Displaying: 91 - 100 of 139 Results
Transmembrane IL-4 Knock In mice
This strain was made using gene targeting in embryonic stem cells to modify the Il4 locus by knocking-in a transmembrane domain. Expression of Il4 in a membrane-bound form provides a novel method for the identification and characterization of…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Michael Grusby
Trpa1 Knock Out Mice
Homozygous mice are viable and fertile. The donating investigator reports a dramatic loss of fecundity after 5-6 months of age. The targeting vector contains an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal (KDEL), which is reported to sequester the…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Corey
Trpa1CKO;pCAGGCre-Er Targeted Mutation Mice
This Trpa1CKO;pCAGGCre-ERTM compound mutant has a floxed allele of the Trpa1 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily A, member 1) gene in addition to a tamoxifen inducible Cre transgene driven by the chicken beta actin…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Corey
Truncated Ab1TL Transgenic Mice
Hemizygous transgenic mice expressing only truncated class II A beta molecules lacking the 13 membrane distal residues were generated to address the role of class II cytoplasmic domains in physiological, non-transformed APC and in vivo immune…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Michael Grusby
Tshz3-GC eGFPCre Transgemic Mice
These transgenic mice express the eGFPCre (Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein and Cre recombinase), GC, fusion gene under the direction of the mouse Tshz3, teashirt zinc finger family member 3, promoter. GFP fluorescence is detected in smooth muscle…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
UBC GFP TVA Transgemic Mice
UBC is a polyubiquitin precursor responsible for the regulation of cell signaling pathways upon conjugation with various proteins. The cTVA transgene in this strain carries the human ubiquitin C (UBC) promoter/enhancer elements driving expression of…
- Grant Zimmermann
- Connie Cepko
Upk3a-GCE Transgenic Mice
These transgenic mice express the eGFPCreERT2 (Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein and cre/ESR1) fusion gene under the direction of the mouse Upk3a, uroplakin 3A, promoter. Transgene expression is detected in the bladder urothelium and ureters of…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 Trangenic Mice
When homozygous for both co-injected transgenes, Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 transgenic mice are viable and fertile. Of note for Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 transgenic mice on the original mixed genetic background, the donating investigator (Dr. Epstein) reported that…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
Wnt11 knock-out
Mice heterozygous for this targeted mutation are viable and fertile with normal kidney size and histology. Homozygotes exhibit some embryonic lethality and will die by 2 days post partem. While the cause of death is unclear, these neonates have…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
Wnt11-myrTagRFP-IRES-CE Transgenic Mice
These Wnt11-myrTagRFP-IRES-CE mutant mice have a tamoxifen inducible Cre-mediated recombination system and express the Tag-RFPT variant of Red Fluorescent Protein under the direction of the mouse Wnt11, wingless-related MMTV integration site 11,…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon