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Displaying: 21 - 30 of 139 Results
Col1a1-tetO-H2B-mcherry Targeted Mutation Mice
These Col1a1-tetO-H2B-mcherry mutant mice contain a tet-responsive element (tetO) and a histone H2B-mCherry fusion protein, targeted to the collagen, type I, alpha 1 (Col1a1) locus. Homozygous are viable, fertile, and normal is size. Animals have a…
- Vivian Berlin
- Kevin Eggan
Crx GFPAP Transgenic Mice
Hemizygotes are viable and fertile. Expression of human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and GFP recapitulates that of the endogenous Crx promoter in the retina at embryonic time points as early as embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5) and in the retina…
- Grant Zimmermann
- Connie Cepko
Crx Knock Out Mice
Homozygotes are viable and fertile and do not display any gross physical abnormalities. These mice do not elaborate photoreceptor outer segments and synaptic termini, and they lack cone and rod activities as assayed by electroretinograms. Circadian…
- Grant Zimmermann
- Connie Cepko
Daxxlox Targeted Mutation Mice
These mice possess loxP sites on either side of exon II (also called exon 3, when the first non-coding exon is included in the numbering scheme) of the targeted gene. Mice that are homozygous for this allele are viable and fertile. Sequence analysis…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Philip Leder
Dhh Knock Out mice
Mice that are homozygous for the targeted mutation are viable, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. Homozygous male mice are sterile due to arrested spermatogenesis at the late meiosis, primary…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
Disp1_2C Transgenic Mice
These mice possess loxP sites on either side of exon 2 of the targeted gene. Mice that are homozygous for this allele are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. When used in conjunction…
- Vivian Berlin
- Andrew McMahon
EGRPF-Fmn1-IV Trangenic Mice
These mice contain an Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) gene inserted in-frame into the Fmn1 locus. Expression of the EGFP is detected in the cytoplasm and localized along microtubules. This strain serves as a reporter strain, with EGFP…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Philip Leder
Fat3lox Targeted Mutation Mice
FAT3, an atypical cadherin protein, is expressed on amacrine cell (AC) processes in the developing and mature inner plexiform layer (IPL) of the retina and is associated with dendrite morphogenesis. These mutant mice possess loxP sites flanking exon…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Lisa Goodrich
Fmn1 Knock Out Mice
Mice that are homozygous for the targeted mutation are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. None of the major splice variants of Fmn1 are detected by Northern blot analysis. No gene…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Philip Leder
Fmn2 Knock Out Mice
The proline-rich FH1 domain of the formin 2 (Fmn2) gene was disrupted with a neomycin resistance (neo) cassette, abolishing FH1 domain binding function. Formin 2, a straight-actin-filament nucleator expressed in neurons of the central nervous…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Philip Leder