Thy1-Brainbow 1.0 Trangenic Mice
These Thy1-Brainbow 1.0 (line L) transgenic mice are viable and fertile. The mice possess multiple fluorescent protein sequences uniquely flanked with pairs of incompatible Lox sites alternated to create mutually exclusive recombination events; allowing stochastic expression of multiple fluorescent proteins from a single transgene. Prior to Cre-mediated recombination, the fluorescent protein immediately adjacent to the promoter, dTomato (RFP), is expressed in peripheral and central neurons. When bred to Cre recombinase expressing mice, the resulting offspring can have one of three expression outcomes for each transgene in each cell of the cre expressing tissue(s): dTomato (RFP) (no recombination), mCerulean (CFP), or mYFP. Integration of tandem transgene copies yields combinatorial fluorescent protein expression in each cell, and thus many possible cell colors, providing a way to distinguish adjacent neurons and visualize other cellular interactions. Of note, the single FRT site inserted in the transgene allows tandem transgene copy number reduction through Flp-mediated recombination if desired. These Brainbow 1.0 (founder line L) mice were found to have multiple transgene copies that allow labeling of individual neuronal types (specifically hippocampal neuron cell bodies, and including motor neurons, dentate gyrus granule cells, pyramidal neurons of the cortex and CA1 area) with approximately 166 distinguishable color variations in cre recombined cells, and may also be useful in conjunction with other Brainbow strains (Stock No. 007901, Stock No. 007911, Stock No. 007921) for neurobiological studies. The Jackson Laboratory 2024, used with permission.
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Jax Stock Number: 7910