DBD Search
Vivian Berlin
Executive Director, HMS
Displaying: 71 - 75 of 75 Results
Research Tool
Pdx1-CreER Transgenic Mice
Pancreatic cells are derived from Pdx1 (pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1)-expressing progenitors throughout embryogenesis. This conditional transgenic strain expresses Cre/Esr1 from the mouse Pdx1 promoter. Cytoplasmic stores of Cre recombinase…
- Douglas Melton
Research Tool
B6N.Sox2-Cre Transgenic Mice
These transgenic mice express Cre recombinase under the control of the mouse SRY-box containing gene 2 promoter. The transgene integrated into an intron of Edil3 (EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3). The insertion results in a…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Smo Knock Out Mice
Mice that are heterozygous for the targeted allele are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. Homozygous null mice have an embryonic lethal phenotype, failing to develop past 9.5 days post…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
KRT14-cre Transgenic Mice
Mice hemizygous for the K14-Cre transgene are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. These transgenic mice express Cre recombinase under the control of the human keratin 14 promoter. Cre…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Wnt7b Knock Out Mice
Mice that are heterozygous for the targeted mutation are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. Homozygous mice have an embryonic lethal phenotype, failing to develop past 11.5 days post…
- Andrew P. McMahon