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Press Contact: Kirsten Mabry | (617) 495-4157

Tag: Grid

October 5th, 2023

MIT Scientist Bob Langer & Futurist Bob Buderi on the Future of Innovation

Science and Engineering Complex, 150 Western Ave, Boston, MA 02134, USA

Harvard Business School Association of Boston (HBSAB) in conjunction with the MIT Press invite you to join us as MIT Professor Bob Langer delves into the future of innovation with Bob Buderi. Harvard Grid is giving away 5 free tickets to this paid event!


October 3rd, 2023

Harvard Grid's Re-Imagining the Future of the Semiconductor Industry

LL2. 221, Science and Engineering Complex, 150 Western Ave, Boston, MA 02134, USA

Semiconductors are an essential building block in the goods and products that we use every day. Hidetoshi Shibata, Japanese HBS alumni and a CEO of a leading semiconductor supplier Renesas, will share his experience and perspectives on how he has been leading a global semiconductor company.


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