Deterministic entangled photon pair sources for quantum computing

Quantum entanglement, the non-classical correlation between different subsystems, is a key advantage that quantum computing has over classical computational systems. In quantum communication, entangled photon pairs are a crucial component in solid-state quantum repeaters, which act to reduce the transmission loss of quantum bits (qubits) over long-distance quantum networks. However, the existing approaches for deterministically generating entangled photon pairs are limited and not scalable for quantum systems. Researchers in the Narang Lab have provided a theoretical basis for an entangled photon pair source from a pair of dipole-coupled three-level composite quantum emitter. In addition, they have identified the spectroscopic emission signature indicative of the generation of two entangled photons in orthogonal polarization. Furthermore, they show the scheme can apply to defect emitters, with wide applicability in quantum technologies, including flexible on-chip photonic integration that has tunable emission properties (via external fields, electromagnetic environments etc.). The proposed composite emitter system provides an alternative pathway, utilizing realistic material parameters, to produce entangled photon pairs with high fidelity and emission efficiency for quantum computing and communication.

Intellectual Property Status: Patent(s) Pending

Case Number: 8174

Additional Information

  • Publication

    This research was published in the journal Physical Review Research.