Novel Qubit Allocation Algorithm for Quantum Computers

Quantum computers will change the landscape of technology through their capability of solving complex problems that classical computers are unable to solve efficiently. Very soon, quantum computers with 50-100 qubits (intermediate-scale) will be available that can enable unprecedented developments in physics, chemistry, and materials science. However, one of the current challenges of quantum computing at the intermediate-scale, is that quantum computations are noisy and have nonzero rates of error. Therefore, reducing the error rate is essential for maximizing the reliability of the results produced by quantum computers.

This invention, “qbit allocation algorithm”, overcomes an important obstacle by satisfying the connectivity constraints of both the program and the hardware while minimizing the total error rate of the computation. This algorithm is hardware-agnostic, as it can work on any quantum computing architecture (superconductors, ion traps, etc.). Additionally, this algorithm allows reducing device noise by over a factor of 2. Therefore, it opens a new pathway toward optimizing compilers for quantum programs. This invention provides a flexibility and sensitivity level, qualifying it as a practical tool for reducing the noise of quantum computation on intermediate-scale quantum computers.

This research is available on arXiv.

Intellectual Property Status: Patent(s) Pending

Case Number: 7541