June 17th, 2015
Machine-learning startup acquired by Twitter
Cofounded by Harvard computer scientists, company developed rapidly with support from OTD.
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Press Contact: Kirsten Mabry | (617) 495-4157
Tag: Startups
June 17th, 2015
Cofounded by Harvard computer scientists, company developed rapidly with support from OTD.
June 2nd, 2015
New fund, targeting technologies in engineering and the physical sciences, helps launch companies in robotics, 3D printing, and materials discovery
May 28th, 2015
Harvard has been making a real push on technology licensing and startup creation in areas like computer science, artificial intelligence, and robotics, reports Xconomy.
March 4th, 2015
NEWTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Macrolide Pharmaceuticals, a new company with groundbreaking technology to develop novel antibiotics, completed a Series A financing of $22 million led by Novartis Venture Fund, Gurnet Point Capital, Roche Ventures, and SROne. The financing follows a worldwide license agreement between Harvard's Office of Technology Development and the company, providing exclusive rights to the technology.