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Displaying: 111 - 120 of 139 Results
B6(D2)-Tg(CAG-Brainbow1.0)3 Transgenic Mice
These transgenic mice carry the Brainbow 1.0 cassette, incorporating dTomato, mCerulean, and EYFP, driven by the broadly-expressed CAG (CMV-chicken beta actin) promoter. These fluorescent markers are useful in tracing cell lineage. This strain, line…
- Vivian Berlin
- Kevin Eggan
PD-1- Targeted Mutation Mice
PD-1-/-mice lack exons 2-3 of the programmed cell death 1 (Pdcd1) gene. Mice that are homozygous for this allele are viable and fertile. PD-1 is an inhibitory cell surface receptor involved in the regulation of T-cell function during immunity and…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Arlene Sharpe
Tg(Gnrh1-cre)1 Transgenic Mice
Neurons that synthesize and secrete Gnrh1 (gonadotropin releasing hormone 1; also known as Lhrh) integrate and control peripheral and central aspects of reproduction, including the onset of puberty. The hormone is produced by a small and diffuse…
- Yelena Bisharyan
Trpc2 Knock Out Mice
In mouse, the Trpc2 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2) gene is expressed primarily in the neurons of the vomeronasal organ (VNO). It is involved with processes of pheromone detection which impact social behaviors.…
- Yelena Bisharyan
Tg(Thy1-Brainbow3.1) Transgenic Mice
The Thy1-Brainbow 3.1 transgene was designed by Drs. Dawen Cai and Joshua R.Sanes (Harvard University) with the mouse Thy1 (thymus cell antigen 1, theta) regulatory elements surrounding four fluorescent protein (Yellow fluorescent protein…
- Yelena Bisharyan
- Joshua Sanes
- Joshua Sanes
Uba6flox/flox Targeted Mutation Mice
These Uba6flox/flox mutant mice possess loxP sites flanking exons 16-17 of the ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 6 (Uba6) gene. Uba6 (E1) is part of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) which regulates protein homeostasis during…
- Vivian Berlin
CD1-deficient BXSB.Yaa Knock Out Mice
BXSB.Yaa CD1-/- (BXSB.Yaa Cd1d1/Cd1d2-/-) mice are a BXSB-congenic strain carrying a null mutation of the CD1 antigen complex; both CD1.1 (Cd1d1) and CD1.2 (Cd1d2) expression is abolished. Homozygous (CD1-/-) mice are natural killer T cell…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Michael Grusby
Prg4GFPCreERt2 Transgenic Mice
The Prg4, proteoglycan 4 (megakaryocyte stimulating factor, articular superficial zone protein), gene encodes the lubricin protein, a large proteoglycan that acts as a lubricant at the surface of cartilage of articulating joints. Prg4 also encodes…
- Grant Zimmermann
Brsk1Knock Out Mice
The protein encoded by Brsk1 is a serine/threonine-protein kinase that is involved in neuronal polarization, axon branching, and presynaptic differentiation in diverse neuronal populations. These mice carry a targeted mutation of the Brsk1 gene in…
- Yelena Bisharyan
- Joshua Sanes
- Joshua Sanes
Brsk2Floxed Transgenic Mice
The protein encoded by Brsk2 is a serine/threonine-protein kinase that is involved in neuronal polarization, axon specification, axon branching, and presynaptic differentiation in diverse neuronal populations. These mice possess loxP sites on either…
- Yelena Bisharyan
- Joshua Sanes
- Joshua Sanes