Sox2-cre Transgenic Mice

The Sox2Cre transgene was designed with 12.5 kb of upstream regulatory sequence from the mouse Sox2 locus (SRY-box containing gene 2), a chicken _-actin intron, a Cre recombinase gene, and a rabbit _-globin poly(A) sequence. This transgene was introduced into B6CBAF1 donor eggs. The resulting founder animals were initially crossed to C57BL/6 mice, and then crossed to outbred Swiss Webster mice. The transgene integrated into an intron of Edil3 (EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3). The mice were then sent to The Jackson Laboratory Repository. Expected coat colors are black and agouti. The Jackson Laboratory 2024, used with permission.

Jax Stock Number: 4783

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