Tshz3-GC eGFPCre Transgemic Mice

These transgenic mice express the eGFPCre (Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein and Cre recombinase), GC, fusion gene under the direction of the mouse Tshz3, teashirt zinc finger family member 3, promoter. GFP fluorescence is detected in smooth muscle actin positive cells surrounding the ureteric epithelium and non-urogenital areas, at 15.5 embryonic days of age. Transgene expression has not been evaluated in all Tshz3 expressing cell types. Some localized ectopic activity of the transgene is observed in urogenital structures. When crossed to a reporter line, Cre recombinase activity is detected in the urogenital system of 15.5dpc embryos. Mice that are hemizygous for the transgene are viable, fertile, normal in size and do not display physical or behavioral abnormalities. This strain was transferred from the collection of the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project (GUDMAP). The Jackson Laboratory 2024, used with permission.

Jax Stock Number: 17494