Wnt11 knock-out

Mice heterozygous for this targeted mutation are viable and fertile with normal kidney size and histology. Homozygotes exhibit some embryonic lethality and will die by 2 days post partem. While the cause of death is unclear, these neonates have kidney hypoplasia and reduction of glomeruli. RT-PCR analysis of kidney RNA shows the expected truncated transcript. Homozygotes exhibit ureteric branching morphogenesis defects between embryonic day 11.5-12.5 (T-stage) associated with a reduction in mesenchymal Gdnf expression. These Wnt11 mutant mice may be useful in studies of kidney development, including ureteric bud branching morphogenesis, and Wnt superfamily embryogenesis. The Jackson Laboratory 2024, used with permission.

Jax Stock Number: 6239