DBD Search
Vivian Berlin
Executive Director, HMS
Displaying: 21 - 30 of 75 Results
Using (-)-indolactam V to induce differentiation of human and mouse embryonic stem cells into pancreatic lineage
• ILV can be used alone, or in combination with growth factors, to direct differentiation of ESCs into pancreatic specification. ILV is effective on human ESC lines and mouse ESC lines. • ILV is effective on human ESC lines HUES 2, 4 and 8. After 4…
- Douglas Melton
- Shuibing Chen
- Malgorzata Borowiak
- Julia L. Fox
- Stuart L. Schreiber
- Lee F. Peng
- Lee L. Rubin
- Kelvin Lam
- Lance Davidow
A drug discovery platform using novel labeled uridine analogs contribute to molecular biology research
This invention consists of novel 5-amino deoxyribouridine analogs. The analogs are labeled with a radioactive or fluorescent moiety and incorporated into nucleic acid by PCR for use in genomic research applications. One assay design involves a…
- Gregory L. Verdine
- Michael J. Storek
Research Tool
Irf8 Knock Out Mice
Mice homozygous for this Irf8 knockout allele (Irf8-/-) may be expected to to exhibit some or all of the phenotype published for other Irf8 null mutations on both a C57BL/6J-congenic and mixed genetic background. For example, other Ifr8 null mice…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Wnt7a Knock Out Mice
Mice that are homozygous for the targeted mutation are viable, but sterile. A truncated mRNA transcript is detected during embryogenesis. Homozygotes exhibit ventralization of dorsal limb mesoderm tissues. The variable phenotype includes thickening…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
RosaGli3TFlag c/c Transgenic Mice
These RosaGli3TFlag c/c mice contain a floxed-neomycin resistance (neo) cassette and polyadenylation signal, cDNA encoding a FLAG-tagged GLI-Kruppel family member (Gli3) repressor gene, an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), and a Venus yellow…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
FoxD1GC Transgenic Mice
Heterozygous mice are viable and fertile, normal in size and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. The DI states that the strain is homozygous lethal. The FoxD1GC allele expresses an eGFPCre fusion protein (EGFP and cre…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 Trangenic Mice
When homozygous for both co-injected transgenes, Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 transgenic mice are viable and fertile. Of note for Wnt-1/GAL4/cre-11 transgenic mice on the original mixed genetic background, the donating investigator (Dr. Epstein) reported that…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Osr1GCE Knock In Mice
Homozygous mice die upon birth with multiple abnormalities of the heart and urogenital system (among other tissues). Heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. The Osr1eGFPCreERt2 (Osr1GCE) "knock-in" allele both abolishes Osr1 gene function and…
- Andrew P. McMahon
Research Tool
Pdx1-CreER Transgenic Mice
Pancreatic cells are derived from Pdx1 (pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1)-expressing progenitors throughout embryogenesis. This conditional transgenic strain expresses Cre/Esr1 from the mouse Pdx1 promoter. Cytoplasmic stores of Cre recombinase…
- Douglas Melton
Research Tool
B6N.Sox2-Cre Transgenic Mice
These transgenic mice express Cre recombinase under the control of the mouse SRY-box containing gene 2 promoter. The transgene integrated into an intron of Edil3 (EGF-like repeats and discoidin I-like domains 3). The insertion results in a…
- Andrew P. McMahon