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Displaying: 1 - 10 of 32 Results
Compact, tunable lens using compliant transparent electrodes
Conventional lenses have specific focal lengths and aberration characteristics due to their shape and comprising material. For adaptable systems, such as a camera that can focus at objects at different distances, often mechanical systems area used…
- Christopher Petty
- David Clarke
- Samuel Shian
- Roger Diebold
Measuring resistance at the scale of a single transistor
According to Moore’s law, electronic devices such as transistors have been shrinking in size to yield higher performance. Currently, feature sizes are on the order of 10 nm, and important parameters for the device operation, such as temperature and…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Hongkun Park
Functionalized and coated carbon nanotubes via atomic layer deposition
Carbon nanotubes have remarkable electrical and optical properties that have not been extensively commercialized in part due to difficulties making robust and high quality devices containing them. One current difficulty is the lack of an effective…
- Christopher Petty
- Roy Gordon
- Damon Farmer
- Charles Marcus
- James Williams
CMOS integrated NMR spectrometer
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometers have been in use for many years and are used to provide imaging or analysis of a sample being tested. In general, an NMR spectrometer is comprised of three main components: a pulse sequencer, an NMR…
- Sam Liss
- Donhee Ham
- Dongwan Ha
- Jeffrey Paulsen
- Song Yi-Qiao
Long-range quantum communication based on solid-state photon emitters
Quantum communication holds promise for transmitting secure messages via quantum cryptography, as well as for distributing quantum information. However, attenuation in optical fibers fundamentally limits the range of direct quantum communication…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Jacob Taylor
- Anders Sorensen
- Lilian Childress
Implanted silicon-vacancy centers with coherent optical properties as a quantum computing platform
Atom-like optical emitters in the solid state are a promising platform for future applications in quantum computing, secure communications, and magnetometry. This invention describes a method of using ion implantation to produce silicon-vacancy…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Ruffin Evans
- Alp Sipahigil
Ice lithography for high resolution electron beam processing of fragile substrates
Electron beam lithography is a staple of microfabrication processes. The dominant practice, developed for silicon etching, first uses an organic photoresist to coat the substrate and then writes a desired pattern. However, this process can damage or…
- Daniel Branton
- Jene Golovchenko
- Anpan Han
2D Dirac-Cone Metamaterials
Metamaterials are synthetic composite materials that exhibit properties not found in natural materials. This invention describes the fabrication of Dirac-cone metamaterials, with potential applications in a number of promising areas, including…
- Eric Mazur
- Marko Loncar
- Yang Li
- Shota Kita
- Philip Munoz
- Daryl Vulis
Non-invasive real-time detection of hardware trojans
Integrated circuit (IC) trojans are a significant security threat to our communications, cloud and IT infrastructure. These rogue modifications to semiconductors can be triggered at any point and represent a latent risk. A hostile government or…
- Sam Liss
- Marko Loncar
- Linbo Shao
Highly conformal tungsten nitride films for use in microelectronics and semiconductors
The invention describes a method of producing a uniform, smooth and conformal coating of tungsten nitride, synthesized by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The silver-colored coating (or film) is metallic and a good electrical conductor.
- Christopher Petty
- Roy Gordon
- Jill Becker
- Seigi Suh