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Displaying: 81 - 90 of 270 Results
Long-range quantum communication based on solid-state photon emitters
Quantum communication holds promise for transmitting secure messages via quantum cryptography, as well as for distributing quantum information. However, attenuation in optical fibers fundamentally limits the range of direct quantum communication…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Jacob Taylor
- Anders Sorensen
- Lilian Childress
Angstrom-scale resolution magnetic sensing and imaging using dark electronic spins
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are essential tools for both the physical and life sciences, but these techniques have been limited to the detection of large ensembles of spins. By manipulating and measuring the…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Alexander Sushkov
- Igor Lovchinsky
- Nicholas Chisholm
- Ronald Walsworth
- Hongkun Park
Using evolutionary coupling methodology and other unique computational biology tools to advance pharmaceutical development
The prediction of drug effects is a long-standing challenge in the biomedical data community and pharmaceutical industry. As new candidate target genes emerge from successful CRISPR and GWAS screens, assessing ‘anti-targets’ and exploiting…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- Debora Marks
Small molecule inhibitors of Zika, dengue and other flaviviruses
Currently, broadly-protective antivirals targeting flaviviruses such as Zika, Dengue and West Nile viruses, are not available. Researchers in the laboratory of Dr. Priscilla Yang have identified a group of small molecules, including a prototype…
- Vivian Berlin
- Priscilla Yang
Improving spin coherence lifetimes of nitrogen-vacancy ensembles using sequences of RF pulses
Diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers are of great interest for scalable applications in quantum information and metrology, such as precise measurements of electric and magnetic fields. Although remarkably long electronic spin coherence times…
- Ronald Walsworth
- My Linh Pham
Implanted silicon-vacancy centers with coherent optical properties as a quantum computing platform
Atom-like optical emitters in the solid state are a promising platform for future applications in quantum computing, secure communications, and magnetometry. This invention describes a method of using ion implantation to produce silicon-vacancy…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Ruffin Evans
- Alp Sipahigil
Spin-Lock Induced Crossing (SLIC) pulse sequence for NMR spectroscopy and imaging
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an important tool for determining the chemical structure of molecules, and it is used extensively for biomedical research and drug discovery. However, in many samples the frequency signatures of…
- Ronald Walsworth
- Stephen DeVience
- Matthew Rosen
Hyperpolarized contrast agents for MRI with long relaxation times
When the nuclear orientation of a material is hyperpolarized by techniques such as dynamic nuclear polarization, these materials can function as extremely effective contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In most cases, however, the…
- Charles Marcus
Ice lithography for high resolution electron beam processing of fragile substrates
Electron beam lithography is a staple of microfabrication processes. The dominant practice, developed for silicon etching, first uses an organic photoresist to coat the substrate and then writes a desired pattern. However, this process can damage or…
- Daniel Branton
- Jene Golovchenko
- Anpan Han
2D Dirac-Cone Metamaterials
Metamaterials are synthetic composite materials that exhibit properties not found in natural materials. This invention describes the fabrication of Dirac-cone metamaterials, with potential applications in a number of promising areas, including…
- Eric Mazur
- Marko Loncar
- Yang Li
- Shota Kita
- Philip Munoz
- Daryl Vulis