Enhancing the capabilities of pop-up fabrication
This invention dramatically increases the capabilities of pop-up fabrication by integrating electronics and sensing into the core fabrication technology. Doing so enables important new functionality, while the range of applications are greatly expanded to include biomedical, microrobotic, optical, and other applications. In particular, this invention demonstrates a percutaneous spinal implant that is far more clinically advanced than current implants and a new class of minimally invasive surgical tools.
This invention dramatically increases the capabilities of pop-up fabrication by integrating electronics and sensing into the core fabrication technology. Doing so enables important new functionality, while the range of applications are greatly expanded to include biomedical, microrobotic, optical, and other applications. In particular, this invention demonstrates a percutaneous spinal implant that is far more clinically advanced than current implants and a new class of minimally invasive surgical tools.
U.S. Patent(s) Issued: US10376326B2
Case Number: 4867