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Displaying: 1 - 10 of 27 Results
Quantum Metrology based on Strongly Correlated Matter
Sensors using individual atomic defects in diamond have revolutionized local magnetic sensing. This technology is based on the insight that higher densities of defects can produce more sensitive detectors. However, at very high densities,…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Norman Yao
- Soonwon Choi
Quantum memory using silicon-vacancy centers in diamond
In the field of diamond-defect-based quantum information processing, electron spins at defect sites sit within a diamond spin-vacuum and external interface is enabled via photon emission. In comparison to nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond,…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Denis Sukachev
- Christian Nguyen
- Mirir Bhaskar
- Alp Sipahigil
- Ruffin Evans
Widely tunable submillimeter wavelength molecular laser optically pumped by a quantum cascade laser
Researchers from Federico Capasso’s lab along with collaborators from MIT and the US Army have developed a compact, tunable laser source for terahertz frequencies, a largely untapped region of the electromagnetic spectrum with exciting applications…
- Federico Capasso
- Paul Chevalier
- Arman Amirzhan
- Marco Piccardo
Graphene device for terahertz wave generation - opportunities for next gen medical imaging
Terahertz (THz) waves are a desirable source for non-invasive imaging for medical and security purposes, as they are non-ionizing and do not damage tissues. However, generation of THz radiation is significantly more challenging than generating…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Bo Dwyer
- Trond Andersen
- Javier Sanchez-Yamagishi
- Hongkun Park
- Philip Kim
- Eugene Demler
- Kartiek Agarwal
Stretchable ionics: Layered electrolytes and dielectrics as high-speed, transparent artificial muscles
A new class of soft, stretchable materials can be utilized as a sensor or high-speed actuator. This invention incorporates a simple and low-cost design that can be made fully transparent, highly stretchable, biocompatible and biodegradable. Thus it…
- Christopher Petty
- Zhigang Suo
- Jeong-Yun Sun
- Christoph Keplinger
- George Whitesides
Modular millimeter-scale distal force sensor, based on pop-up fabrication
The ability to measure force is a critical need in small-scale systems. This invention is a low-cost force sensor that operates over a force range of 0-200 mN, with a sensitivity of 5 V/N and a resolution of 0.8 mN. Key advantages over competing…
- Sam Liss
- Conor Walsh
- Joshua Gafford
- Robert Wood
Long-range quantum communication based on solid-state photon emitters
Quantum communication holds promise for transmitting secure messages via quantum cryptography, as well as for distributing quantum information. However, attenuation in optical fibers fundamentally limits the range of direct quantum communication…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Jacob Taylor
- Anders Sorensen
- Lilian Childress
Implanted silicon-vacancy centers with coherent optical properties as a quantum computing platform
Atom-like optical emitters in the solid state are a promising platform for future applications in quantum computing, secure communications, and magnetometry. This invention describes a method of using ion implantation to produce silicon-vacancy…
- Mikhail Lukin
- Ruffin Evans
- Alp Sipahigil
2D Dirac-Cone Metamaterials
Metamaterials are synthetic composite materials that exhibit properties not found in natural materials. This invention describes the fabrication of Dirac-cone metamaterials, with potential applications in a number of promising areas, including…
- Eric Mazur
- Marko Loncar
- Yang Li
- Shota Kita
- Philip Munoz
- Daryl Vulis
Non-invasive real-time detection of hardware trojans
Integrated circuit (IC) trojans are a significant security threat to our communications, cloud and IT infrastructure. These rogue modifications to semiconductors can be triggered at any point and represent a latent risk. A hostile government or…
- Sam Liss
- Marko Loncar
- Linbo Shao