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Cardiovascular/Metabolic Disease
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Displaying: 1 - 10 of 12 Results
Continuous directed evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to alter amino acid specificity and enhance activity
DESCRIPTION Functions of various biotherapeutics can often be enhanced by modifying individual amino acid residues. However, the current approaches rely on existing natural amino acid chemistry. Approaches that provide new chemical “handles” will…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Liu
Evolution of Sequence-Defined Highly Functionalized Nucleic Acid Polymers
DESCRIPTION Template-directed synthesis of modified DNA sequences can provide a rich source of material for generating new therapies featuring modified nucleic acid polymers. The Liu lab has previously developed pioneering methods to generate…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Liu
aP2 knock-out mice
AP2 knock-out mutant mice were developed by Dr. Gokhan Hotamisligil at Harvard Medical School (Science. 1996 Nov 22;274(5291):1377-9). AP2, also known as Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 (FABP4), encodes the adipocyte FABP. It plays important roles in…
- Vivian Berlin
- Gokhan Hotamisligil
First in class substrate-selective Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) inhibitors for treating Diabetes
First in class substrate-selective Insulin Degrading Enzyme (IDE) inhibitors for treating Diabetes. Professor David Liu and a multidisciplinary research team have recently discovered and optimized of a series of small molecules (<550 Da, IC50 = 1…
- Irit Ben-Chelouche
- David Liu
- Juan Pablo Maianti
The next generation of cholesterol screening - A personalized diagnostic index for the improved assessment of cardiovascular risk using a novel method for the measurement of lipoprotein subtypes
OpportunityThis program offers the next generation of cholesterol screening. In 2013, 96 million visits to doctors' offices in the US included a cholesterol test.Problem/Unmet needCurrent practice of measuring total HDL level in serum does not…
- Grant Zimmermann
- Frank Sacks
Animal model of diabetes and obesity
Mice with the JNK 1 and JNK2 genes knocked out were crossed with the obese mouse line (ob/ob) to create a mouse model of diabetes and obesity. These mice exhibit many of the hallmark metabolic pertubations characteristic in diabetes and obesity.
- Vivian Berlin
- Gokhan Hotamisligil
- Michael Karin
Using (-)-indolactam V to induce differentiation of human and mouse embryonic stem cells into pancreatic lineage
• ILV can be used alone, or in combination with growth factors, to direct differentiation of ESCs into pancreatic specification. ILV is effective on human ESC lines and mouse ESC lines. • ILV is effective on human ESC lines HUES 2, 4 and 8. After 4…
- Vivian Berlin
- Douglas Melton
- Shuibing Chen
- Malgorzata Borowiak
- Julia Fox
- Stuart Schreiber
- Lee Peng
- Lee Rubin
- Kelvin Lam
- Lance Davidow
Potent OGT inhibitors for the treatment of cancer and diabetic complications
First-in-class and potent OGT inhibitors The Walker group has developed novel high throughput assays (HTS) and screened 200,000 compounds at the Institute for Chemistry and Cell Biology (ICCB) at Harvard Medical School, and identified several…
- Vivian Berlin
- Suzanne Walker Kahne
- Michael Lazarus
- Benjamin Gross
Novel lipid hormone for identifying and treating metabolic disease
Scientists in the Harvard School of Public Health have identified fatty acid C16:1n7-palmitoleate, a novel signaling lipid produced by adipose tissue, that protects mice from the detrimental effects of long-term consumption of high-fat diets. They…
- Vivian Berlin
- Gokhan Hotamisligil
- Dariush Mozaffarian
- Haiming Cao
Cyborg tissue: Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues
This technology uses macroporous, flexible and free-standing nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds (nanoES), and their hybrids with synthetic or natural biomaterials. 3D macroporous nanoES mimic the structure of natural tissue scaffolds. The structures…
- Christopher Petty
- Charles Lieber
- Bozhi Tian
- Jia Liu